Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mass media and you

Mass media has changed the way audiences are entertained through many different ways throughout the generation. Places like the movies, gaming, television, mobile devices are all coming out with their own ways of keeping people entertained. For instance the movies, television and even gaming are starting to incorporate 3D technology into their products allowing for a more entertaining experience for the viewer/user. The gaming industry entertains their audiences through the games that they keep on coming out with such as sports games, which is a big choice among gaming population. Mobile device companies are making their products ever more advanced as the technology becomes available. An example of this is the touch screen smartphones and tablets that are out there. This allows for mobile access to the Internet and other necessities that can keep the user entertained for hours on end. Anything from work to gaming can be accessed through these mobile devices. With the ever grow wealth of technology that is becoming available through mass media there are going to be more and more ways to entertain people.

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