Sunday, March 6, 2011

Conglomeration-Good or Bad?

Conglomeration could be explained in simple terms as one company having control over or combining little companies. The movie and television industry has most recently witness and become part of conglomeration in the business.
In movie business specifically, conglomeration could be viewed as a good change. Big companies such as Warner Brothers and Universal put on box office movies that earn a huge profit and bring in a lot of viewers. Sometimes we might wonder if the companies’ intentions are to bring the best entertainment to the audience or to earn the most profit. However, the two go hand in hand, because the viewers drive the profit and if the viewers are not pleased with the product they won’t spend the money to see it. So conglomeration in the movie industry has changed it for the better because big companies can afford to spend big money on making a great movie and earn the profit back.
Conglomeration in television could be viewed a little differently. Having one company that owns all the little channels could be provide no diversity on TV and just show us the same news and the same filters as the rest. However, it also allows television to provide the audience with good entertainment and big shows such as Grey’s Anatomy and Lost. Shows like that cost money and big conglomeration companies can afford to support such shows. 

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