Monday, January 31, 2011

What is technology dependence?

In today’s society, it can be said that many if not all of us rely on some form of technology in our daily lives. Whether it is our cell phone, computer, iPod, or television it seems one or more forms of these technological innovations play significant roles in our lives. Technology has helped to make tremendous advances in the way people receive and send information today. The ability to instantaneously connect and communicate with people around the world has created both an increase in demand and dependence in terms of technology.

Unfortunately the increased consumption via computers, cell phones, and televisions has created a form of detachment from reality and a dependence on technology. Andrew Kakabadse, Professor of International Management Development at Cranfield School of Management, stated, “Our research shows that technology obsession hinders spelling skills, implicitly encourages plagiarism, and disrupts classroom learning” (Kakabadse, Cellular-news). Although some argue technology has created a form of addiction, technology has shaped a global society, one that shares information and communicates through social networks like Facebook, blogs and YouTube. Those who criticize the innovations of technology and its effects, fail to recognize that technology is around us every minute of our lives. Technology now runs schools, businesses and households. Whether technology is ‘good or bad,’ it has created a sense of both dependence and importance in our lives.

"Technology Addiction Disrupts Teenage Learning." Cellular-news | Daily News from the Telecoms Industry. Web. 31 Jan. 2011. .

-Patrick Morgan

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