Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Welcome Spring 2011 students!

Blogging is a way to communicate to the class about a topic of discussion.

Each week the class will blog about subjects related to our chapter topics. It is a good idea to read the book chapter before blogging.
The blog subjects are posted on the syllabus by week.

The blog deadline for each week is 5pm Monday. Make sure you blogs are written in Times Roman with a large, 12 point font. Write your blog the way you would write any story with a strong lede, body, and conclusion.

Blogging also means commenting on others comments, so that there is an exchange of ideas. If this is your first time blogging, please remember to cite sources of material you may need to quote in your blog. Also if you choose to use a link be sure to post it correctly: http://howtoblog.org/

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