Sunday, January 30, 2011

What is Media Literacy?

As the book states Media Literacy is the possessing of knowledge to be competent in assessing messages carried by mass media. Basically all of us today are Media Literate, that’s because most of us grew up with it right from the start. Since we were little we sat in front of the TV watching educational programs whether it be Sesame Street or Blue’s Clues. We were introduced to media at such a young age that we would get into a routine where we would incorporate it into our lives and never grow out of it. This also applies to the iPod and the Internet. Without it we would be nothing and there would be no form of media. When we get into our cars the radio may come on, or you may hook in you iPod to listen to music, face it, it’s impossible to escape the media world. The only way to do so would be to lock yourself in your room and never come out. The way I see it you have no choice but to be apart of the mass media empire. Think of it this way, basically everyone in the world has been exposed to some sort of media; therefore maybe that’s where the money is. I’m pretty sure that if you were to have a job in the media field you could make some really nice money.

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