Sunday, January 30, 2011

What is technology dependence?

I would define technology dependence as the reliance on technology that is necessary to perform many of our daily functions. The first form of technology that had a major impact on our daily lives was the printing press, which eventually led to books, newspapers, and other publications. These forms of mass media enabled people to become more easily informed of what was happening in other places. As advances in technology occurred throughout the world, communication became easier through different forms of media such as radio, television, and the Internet. These milestone technological advances changed the world.

Many people are dependent on the Internet for school, work, and entertainment. For example, there are many online classes and even jobs that require this type of mass communication. Even in traditional classroom settings, many professors now use much less paper and more online resources. This contributes to technological dependency because people are becoming more comfortable with the speed of delivery. Also, the Internet is inexpensive to use which makes it a more desirable form to spread media. It is evident that people are going to become more technologically dependent as they become more competent at using all of the different forms of mass media.

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