Sunday, January 30, 2011

What is technology dependence?

Compared to past generations, today’s society has become so dependent on technology that our way of life is substantially different compared to our parents and grandparents’ generations. Mass media has become a part of our daily lives that in order to attain the information the media is providing, people really do not have any choice but to use some sort of technology whether it be the internet, television, or the radio to receive the information. Not only does the media somewhat force our society to become dependent on technology, but also work and school requires our generation to use these various forms of technology in order to complete tasks and work. These various forms of technology are everywhere that it is hard for one to not constantly utilize them.

A study done by the Ball State University found that people spend 68.8 percent of our waking ours in the media while utilizing these various forms of technology. Many people multi-task while using these different forms of technology. One form of technology that seems to be used greatly by our society is the television. The television has been around for decades and people are becoming more and more dependent on it. The television is the perfect source for entertainment, learning about current issues around the world, and learning how to do some everyday tasks such as cooking, just to name a few things. In a study done in 2004 by the research firm Veronis Suhler Stevenson found that people watch television a total of 3,584 hours per year. Compared to the generations before us, television viewing has increased dramatically and is still increasing. This is one form of technology that people have become dependent on and not the last.

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