Monday, January 31, 2011

blog questions Jan 31, 2010 - caty draicchio

What is Media Literacy?

According to, media literacy is defined as “the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms.”  Media literacy builds an understanding of the role of media in society.  It allows us to recognize forms, and allows us to study and understand them in a different way than we normally would.  We can control how we will interpret a certain type of media, it teaches us to question what we are hearing or seeing.
Media is all around us; we see it numerous times every day.  Media literacy allows us to sort through and analyze the messages we are receiving through these various forms of media, including television, radio, newspapers, magazines, billboards, etc.  We will learn to ask the purpose of the media we experience; who produced it and why?
In today’s world, mass media plays a huge role in how we perceive our society.  Today’s generation has no problem becoming media literate because they came into a world whose main form of communication is through mass media.  With the Internet, television, radio, billboards, cell phones, newspapers and magazines everywhere it is hard not to be exposed to mass media.  People use these sources as forms of communication to advertise or portray a certain idea.  We didn’t have to teach ourselves to be media literate, we just developed that way because it was what we have been surrounded with our whole lives.


What is Technology Dependence?

In today’s world, I can’t think of anyone I know that isn’t dependent on technology.  Many people use cell phones, and e-mail as means of communication every day.  It is funny to think about how our society relies so much on technology.  Rarely do I see someone pick up a newspaper to see what is going on in our world, because it is so easy to look it up online with the use of a computer or even a cell phone.  Technology is getting more and more advanced each day and our society is becoming more dependent on technology each day.  Imagine if social network websites such as Facebook and Twitter didn’t exist, and imagine if we didn’t have texting: How would anyone be able to communicate???   Our society relies on technology so much that they wouldn’t know what to do if it was all taken away from us.  Who would have ever thought 20 years ago that we would now be able to call, text, email, record videos, and play video games on a tiny portable phone; but now we can’t imagine living without it.  Obviously technology helps us and makes things a lot easier, but to be honest I think it is ridiculous how much we rely on it.  I will admit that I too am dependent on technology, I use my laptop for everything, school, work, e-mail,  paying bills, shopping, communicating with friends.  I couldn’t imagine not having a cell phone, I literally check the thing every 5 minutes.  It is sad to see that our society has come so dependent on technology.

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