Sunday, January 30, 2011

What is Media Literacy?

Mass media can be defined as "vehicles through which messages are disseminated to mass audiences", according to The Media of Mass Communication (3). Also using this source, literacy can be defined as the ability to read and write. When these two terms are combined, media literacy is formed. Media literacy can be defined as "possessing the knowledge to be competent in assessing messages carried by mass media" (6).

An important factor when it comes to media literacy is awareness. An example from the text is being able to separate the message from the messenger. This awareness is necessary in our everyday lives, especially when it comes to the media. An example of this is subconsciously blaming a political leader for conveying unfortunate news, such as nationwide crime. These leaders get blamed for events that are sometimes out of their personal control because they are the messengers of the bad news. Another example is how media literacy has to respect the sense of tradition of each culture from which it is representing. Some cultures are very open about their domestic affairs, while others are much more secretive about their culture. Media literacy has to respect these important differences. However, there are many more definitions of media literacy, and different examples to go along with them.

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