Monday, January 31, 2011

First Day Questions

1. Why are you taking this course?

I am taking this course because I have recently declared a major in public relations. I also find media and it’s various sources to be very interested and am excited to start learning more.

2. How much do you know about mass media? Can you list the various types of media you use?

As of now I know a decent amount about media from the electronic communications and writing for mass media course I took earlier this year.

The different types of media are print, radio, television, and internet,

4. What is the greatest impact media has on culture?

I feel that media has a great impact on the way we thing and act a society. It can influence what we look like, what we buy, and our views on pressing issues.

5. Do you know anyone that works within media? If so, who and where do they work? What do they do?

No, I do not know anyone who works within media.

6. What do you hope to learn from this course?

I hope to expand my current knowledge on media and it’s various formats. I would also like to get a concrete understanding of the different strengths and weaknesses of the different types of media.

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