Sunday, January 30, 2011

What is Technology Dependence?

Technology dependence is the mass reliance on the media for vital information and entertainment. As things become more advanced and widespread, it becomes easier for people to gain access to massive amounts of information. With the production of the television and the internet it became much simpler to recieve things quickly. Much of human life is based upon these luxeries. Very few people leave home without either wtaching the weather or looking it up, and the vast majority of people listen to music from a variety of different sources whether it be the radio, an IPod, or via websites like Pandora or YouTube as a few examples.

Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web, and according to The Media of Mass Communication his accomplishment will most likely overshadow the other forms of media in time. Without his invention, there would be no websites such as Facebook and MySpace. These websites are very common among the teen to young adult age groups and allow for much socialization without personal contact. On a campus like Roger Williams there is probably a very minute group of people, if any, who can say they do not belong to one of these websites. This constant use of media in any form consumes about 2/3 of the average person's day according to a study done by Ball State University. This constant and often subconscious use of the different forms of the media defines the technology dependence consuming today's day and age.

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