Monday, January 31, 2011

What is Technology Dependence?

Technology dependence today is everywhere. No matter where you look there is technology. We depend on it everyday of our lives. We depend on technology in hospitals for precision surgery that doctors are unable to do with their hands due to the accuracy of the machine. We also depend on cars for transportation to and from places. We also depend on it for media purposes as a way of getting news. We depend on technology so much that it’s like a secret addiction that many of us don’t think that we have. But really everyone is a technology addict whether it be with phones or TV, etc. We all have at least one piece of technology that we use over and over again without realizing the addiction. It’s kind of scary to think that technology and robots are our future because we depend on it so much. Sometime in the future robots will be doing all of the jobs cause they are better working and get the job done when needed with quick and accurate results. Technology is all around us and there’s no escaping it. We incorporate technology into our everyday lives such that we write all of our papers on the computer and submit them online. But the only problem is that we depend on technology so much that what if one-day technology got wiped out for some mysterious reason and we had to depend on other things. I don’t think that very many of us would be able to survive without ours phones or Facebook. It’s because our generation grew up with the technology dependence that it would almost be impossible to grow out of it. We are only really educated in using technology and not so much with not using it.

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