Monday, January 31, 2011

What is technology dependency?

In our ever-changing society technology seems to have taken over. With the rapid discoveries and constant renovations of technology we find we are relying on it more and as a result becoming technology dependant. It is almost impossible to go through a whole day without using any modern technology at all. This is such a different concept then what our grandparents and parent were used to growing up, but it is what our world has become. As our technology becomes more advanced it begins to take up more of our lives. One of the biggest changes that we face today is that change in communication due to the available technology. There is increasingly less interpersonal communications, meaning face-to-face communications. Instead people are relying more heavily on technology to stay connected to people and society. Using texting, phones, facebook and other forms of technology to communicate. In order to stay updated in all that is happening in our world, the truth is, it has become a necessity to be constantly plugged into technology. It will only get worse in the future. With more advances in the world’s technology we will increasingly see more dependency on it and in new ways.

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