Sunday, May 1, 2011

The First Amendment and You

The significance of the First Amendment is that it protects people in media against people not liking what they say or write. Reporters can go a write a story knowing that they are able to write what they want without being to bias but to an extent that they don’t necessarily piss people off. But then again since they are protected by the first amendment they have the freedom of speech and can do and say what’s on their mind specifically about the government. In news today you hear about people criticizing the government and how they don’t trust it and how’s it run poorly. Saying this through speech’s and news allows them to be protected from the government and other people that disagree because the First Amendment specifically prohibits government interference in free expression, religion and individual and public protests against government policies. In the media you are also allowed to talk about religion in anyway you want as long as you aren’t promoting it to people as in that they should change their religion. There is also a free expression provision that is also placed with the First Amendment that protects peoples rights and which states that the First Amendment ban against government abridgment of freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

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