Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lessons Learned

In this class, I learned a lot about mass media that I was unaware of before. Before this class, I had no idea what mass media actually was. I thought it was just newspapers and television broadcasts. I did not realize there was so much more to it.

Out of all of the mass media topics presented in this class, I think that mass media and globalization was the most important topic. Media globalization is happening throughout the world quickly due to the Internet and social networking. It has pretty much taken the world by storm, and I do not think most people are aware of the effects it is having on the way we communicate with other countries now.

Another thing to consider is the new integration of social networking into mass media. The addition of social networking is able to spread news faster than ever before. With a simple click, the news can be spread to millions of people all over the world. It is incredible how people can be instantly connected to the news while others can be disconnected.

Without mass media, there would be no way of communication with others in the world.

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