Monday, May 2, 2011

What is the significance of the First Amendment with speech and press?

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is a provision against government interference with free citizen expression, including media content. Freedom of speech is what makes mass media flourish and without the First Amendment in place this would not be possible and mass media would be considered censored. The First Amendment allows speech and press to tackle any issues regardless of the topic and how it portrays our government. It allows people to express themselves freely without any recuperation from the government. By having freedom of speech and press people are encouraged to think independently and not have to be persuaded into believing things that they disagree with. At times the government can get away with things that go against the First Amendment, but by having this amendment in a written document allows citizens the right to fight against government censorship, which usually falls in favor of the citizens rather than the government. The fourth estate is another aspect that helps keep the First Amendment in tact because it is the mass media that acts as the monitors of government behavior and then relies their findings back to the public. The First Amendment is a significant amendment that entitles the freedom of speech and press and by having the court systems abide by this prevents the government from censoring speech and press.

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