Sunday, May 1, 2011

Public's agenda

Mass media shapes the was our agendas work in that depending on how big and important the story is we go out of our way to try and find out more about it. We try to focus on the more important issues that are going on out there rather than the stupid little things that no one cares about. We focus more time on news that is worth listening to like what’s going on in Libya with Gadhafi. The big issue now is that a NATO missile killed his family instead of him. That is a big issue right now and many people are focusing their attention to that. Another big issue is the presidential campaigns that are going on. The public listens to that news because they want to know who’s going to be up in coming in the presidential election. When little known news comes on that we don’t care about the public shuts off the TV or changes the channel because its not interesting. We tend to be drawn in by the bigger issues that may effect us or may effect everyone as a whole.

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