Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What I have learned from this class

When first signing up for this class I figured there would not be too much to learn about because I felt that I already knew a lot of the information that was going to be taught; however, was I in for a surprise. This class taught me about mass media and touched base on a lot of topics that I did not know too much about. Different topics such as film and digital technology, which I believed I knew a lot about; however, there was a lot of information like the creators of the forms of technology and how it affects the mass media. Another thing that I really attained a lot of information from was from the media pioneer presentations. I learned a lot about creators of different mass media technology tools and how they used these tools to affect the mass media and mass audience. I attained a lot more information than I was expecting to get out of this class mainly because I thought I knew a lot of the information that was going to be taught. However, as a whole I found this class very beneficial for me to gain a better understanding of mass media and how it affects a mass audience.

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