Monday, May 2, 2011

Mass Media-Shaping The Public Agenda

There is no doubt that mass media does a great job at shaping the public's agenda of issues. With the power mass media has today, whatever it chooses to provide to it's audiences, individuals are going to listen. It has become so popular in today's society that when mass media throws a story at us, whether it is important or not, the public is going to at least hear what it is all about. Another aspect is that mass media is always changing and different types of mass media are going to have different agendas. This brings variety to the different news stations we watch or the magazines we read. I think in a way it shows individuals how accustomed to mass media we have become, we seem to just listen whether we are interested in the topic or not, which helps us learn even more about different issues going on around the world.

-Taylor Johnson

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