Monday, May 2, 2011

The significance of The First Amendment

The First Amendment gives the people of America the freedom of speech and press which directly impacts mass media in a profound way. This country is famous for giving their citizens these rights and the media would not be the same if these rights did not exist. Censorship and control by the government over information distributed by the media would be filtered and blocked. Though, almost every statement in the media is protected, unless it is an exception that harms the public which is known as public endangerment.

With the freedom of speech, people can express their opinion and thoughts without receiving any penalties or consequences. As for the freedom of press, material that is published and viewed by the public, is protected by the First Amendment since the material is a free expression. Another side of freedom of expression is prior restraint which is a concept in which the government cannot interfere with a person’s expression in the Supreme Courts. Overall, the First Amendment allows people to express their opinions freely and the press to release the truth on situations.

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